Top page » Model train stories » It was featured in the railroad model magazine Railroad Model Craftsman.

It was featured in the railroad model magazine Railroad Model Craftsman.

American railroad model magazine Railroad Model Craftsman (White River Publisher) is looking for photos of Amtrak model trains. Since it's Amtrak's 50th anniversary project,Anycubicmade with a 3D printerGE P30CHI sent in an image of a diesel locomotive and was accepted.

It is listed on the Boomer Trail Special page of the June 2021 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman, so if you have it, please check it out. It's on page 47 (lol) I found out about the recruitment a few days before the deadline and applied, so the photos and models are not very good, but please have a good laugh.

Railroad Model Craftsman magazine was actually kept in the library of the junior high school I attended at the time, and I read every issue without fail for the three years I was there.I'm also a fan who has read through almost all the back issues from over ten years that were kept at the time (lol). I'm glad that I was featured in my favorite magazine ^^

So, the important P30CHModel RailroadWhy is there no article or photo of this? (Laughs) Actually, there were various problems with the model that was published in the magazine, and it was a little embarrassing to show it to people.I'm currently finishing the revised version, so I'll post it in a separate article as soon as it's finished, so please wait for a while ^^


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