N scalebackmanThe GE U36B Auto-Train was manufactured in the years starting in 1975.Since it is out of print, it still occasionally appears on internet auctions.
Luggage cars and passenger cars don't have much of a problem in terms of scale, but motor cars have a slightly thicker body due to the built-in motor.The handrails are also thick, so when placed side by side with current model railroads, it inevitably looks inferior.So I thought I could make something a little better, so I'd like to introduce a U36B that I modified a long time ago.
In the end, since the U36B is only made by Bachman, it is almost impossible to improve the body.So, I decided to replace the toy-like handrail.We used the current Bachman U36B and Atlas GE U series handrails.Glue a small amount of plastic vane to even out the unevenness on the sides.All you have to do is drill the holes for the handrails and fit them in.The impression changes quite a bit.

The paint job is also quite different from the actual car if you look closely.I didn't notice it until I painted it, but the font on Bachmann's Auto Train was too crowded. TM doesn't fit either (lol) The decals weren't commercially available, so I made them myself on my computer.I widened the spacing between the letters in a Gothic font and printed it on a decal sheet.

The top is the model from that time, and the bottom is the model I made this time.I'm a little concerned about the body being thicker, but I can forgive it just because the handrails and paint are different.I had a lot of fun working on it as well.
But I still can't forgive my body.For those who think so, if you attach a larger radiator to the Atlas U series, it will become a U36B, although the side panels are slightly different.Like this.

Since the base is U23B, I'm a little reluctant to call it U36B, but I don't think many people will notice the difference lol If Atlas releases it properly, the problem will be solved, but Seaboard Coast Line, Auto -Train and Conrail paints are the only ones that actually exist, so I guess it's a little difficult for commercial purposes.With that in mind, making your own might be the right answer.