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Snow plow production (for Kato N P42DC)

P42DC snow plow

snow plow

Kato's snow plow has been something I've been curious about for a while.I understand that it's a limitation of the coupler, but somehow I'm stuck with something like an ice cream spoon (lol). The reason I started making it was because I wanted to make it myself and change it to make it look cool.

3D drawing

I had written about snow plows in past projects, soP30CHA little arrangement of what I made. I adjusted the size to fit P42DC.I just rewrote the hoses/cables a little.Like this.

Snow plow installation

It turned out surprisingly good considering it was made randomly (lol). actualP42DCI often store cables neatly inside my skirt, but I think sometimes a sloppy look like this can be nice, giving it a mechanical look.

Let's try to improve it a little when we have some free time (lol)

It's over.

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